Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Your Spawn

"Someday when you have children, you'll understand." My friends with children like to  philosophize, because apparently having kids is this mysterious game changer where the rules of common courtesy suddenly don't apply to you. As though I forgot what is was like to be child, or couldn't possibly relate or fathom the concept. Modern day parents really seem to develop some silly logic. One friend even tried to convince me that it was her babies' "good looks" that kept her motivated to get up in the middle of the night, sleep-deprived to take care of her baby. I couldn't break it to her that her "good looking baby" pretty much resembled a frog. Not to mention the sheer survival rate of ugly babies. Then she said those magic words parents seem to utter to give themselves a pardon for their bad behavior or ridiculous ideas "Some day when you have children, you'll understand."

Here is what I actually understand: having a kid doesn't let you off the hook for common sense! Your small/toddling children are not okay to wander or run around Starbucks/insert-restaurant-here/grocery store/clothing store/public place! Yet, in my work-escape coffee break at Starbucks, here is what I see every time:
  1.  Parents bring their children in and release them.
  2. Kid wanders over to the merchandise display case or other people and proceeds to touch, grab, break, explore things.
  3. Parent ignores kid forever, then finally "suggests" they do something different, usually using some vague logic on their one-year-olds along the lines of "we don't do that in public" (really? "we" don't? 'Cause they're doing it....)
Don't get me wrong: do I think a small child can sit quietly and wait for their parents to order coffee? OF COURSE NOT! But I'm not the one bringing them into a public space and letting them have-at-it, am I? Solution? Leash them. Pick them up. Hold their hands.


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