Tuesday, August 14, 2012

You Shouldn't Have

One early summer day when I was about 4 years old, my dad took me back to the pond in the very back of our yard, nestled at the beginning of the woods. We often spent time back there clearing the brush, bird watching, and enjoying mother nature. This time, however, was slightly different, my dad had a big announcement to tell me.
"Well Jenny, Pa has some news to tell you: You're going to be big sister, you will have a little brother or sister soon." He said.

This conversation was the very catalyst for the many years of sibling rivalry and fighting that would come. However well-meaning my father was, he had clearly not prepared for the conversation well.

SHOULD HAVE SAID: "You get to teach your new little sibling all sorts of things, like how to draw and sing...

REALLY SAID: "This means big changes for you, you are going to have to share your Ma and Pa. It won't be just Jenny anymore..."

SHOULD HAVE SAID: "You are going to get a bigger room now, because you are older and have more toys."

REALLY SAID: "You're going to have to move rooms. The new baby needs space."

SHOULD HAVE SAID: “You get to show your new sibling how to play, you’ll have a playing buddy. Don’t worry though, the baby will have their own toys to play with!”

REALLY SAID: "Your toys are going to have to be shared, you aren't an only child anymore."

Apparently my Dad was surprise when this happened....

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